Life is so very fragile. Talking with a dear young friend about the near loss of a friend, the grief, the frustration and the anger. All very passionate, very intense emotions. How can I console someone when these are emotions I have difficulty controlling. Controlling controlling watercolours in a puddle of water. What transpires can be something very beautiful, or something very chaotic, undescribable. My belief is that whether we can tell what the painting is or not, it retains its own beauty though we may not see it through our emotions or even want to see it.
A long time ago, a friend lost her baby at 8 months of pregnancy. After the funeral of the baby, when we were all gathered, trying to support her, she was able to make us understand how she was handling this very tragic time in her life. She told is like a tapestry where God only sees the finished product and we only see the frayed underside - forever unable to see the beauty of the tapestry. We know there is order, only we can't see it. That has comforted me even in my deepest, darkest periods.